Alan Roura and Vendée Globe popular with Swiss media
The world renowned Vendée Globe kicked off it’s 2020 edition yesterday. The field of participants includes 27-year old Alan Roura, whom we supported communicatively for the past four years. The Swiss skipper’s second Vendée Globe start was a recurring media theme in recent days, including articles in NZZ am Sonntag, Sonntagszeitung, Sonntagsblick, CH Media, Schweizer Illustrierten, TA Media and NZZ as well as reports by SRF’s Sportpanorama:
- Vendée Globe: 46'000 Kilometer alleine auf offener See
- SRF Sport Panorama
- Tages-Anzeiger, November 06 2020 (896,8 KiB)
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung, November 06 2020 (292,6 KiB)
- CH Media November 07 2020 (145,2 KiB)
- NZZ am Sonntag, November 08 2020 (271,8 KiB)
- Sonntagszeitung, November 08 2020 (1,9 MiB)
- Sonntagsblick, November 01 2020 (1,2 MiB)
- Schweizer Illustrierte, November 2020 (1,0 MiB)